

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010


Minimalist is a simple but complicated style.Basically is composed by a few colors, simple garments, simple seams. But all those elements have to be equilibrated and strategically placed, you really have to play your cards to get it.Is like perfection, but more than it is balance in the elements of the outfit, and all them must be discretly but at the time elegant, and you know "more is less" in minimalist words. Is just simple but don't make it boring, make it smart ;)

If you want to get a little haute couture reference, just look at DKNY, minimalist is something very characteristic of the brand.And Celine's spring summer colection,very well played runway.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010


I will public a new style every wednesday since now, to give you tips to get your own style combinated with anothers, and I'll start with boyish

first than anything, what is it? "boyish" come from "boy" because this style is based on male garments.

This style is about wearing masculine simply clothes with a girly touch. The garments   are prêt á porter casual style and are simply, easy and comfortable to wear. You can wear it to basically everything: to go to the park, skinny jeans with a plain sweater and converse; to go to a party; a basic black blazer with tube pants and ankle boots...  there are many ways! A boyish styled girl must be a fashion intelligent girl self secure of her natural beauty and her feminity.

will you bet for this practic and trendy option? I did, so come on!

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Hello everyone!!

Hi! So who I am? I guess a teenager girl with vintagerockerglamelegantdarkiegreat style! all a mix, this is the blog's introduction I guess. I think I should explain the rare title first: "juste de la mode styld" is a french sentence that means "just fashion styles", that simple stuff, I put my blog's name in french because I think is a very elegant language and Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the word, is not that I speak french, just I like. This blog is not to show you how to dress, is to help people to find their own style; so that I'll put different kind of styles so you can make your mix, the new fashion proposals, runways, stuff to make your style great, blah blah blah.... all you want, you can write and tell me what you want, I'm new in this :)

Well, enjoy!